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2024 CHASM Sediment Report

2024 CHASM Sediment Report

This report provides an update of analysis conducted as part of the CHASM (Crustacean, Habitats and Sediment Movement) project carried out by the University of Southampton in summer 2024. It seeks to understand environmental change from a sediments perspective, and sets out to answer a series of questions using various data sources and analysis. The questions are:
1. What sediments make up the seabed and has this changed overtime?
2. What is the water quality (temperature, turbidity etc.) like within the study site and
has it changed overtime?
3. What are the sources of (fine) sediment in the system and has their magnitude
changed over time?
4. How might what we have learnt about the sediment system have influenced the
decline in crab and lobster populations

Follow this link to read the CHASM Sediment Report 2024

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