Coastal Literacy Reports
Public Perceptions Report:
100 residents were surveyed between July and September 2010 to gain an insight into the level of understanding the local residents have with regard to coastal issues. The survey was entitled Public Perceptions and Knowledge of Coastal Management on the Manhood Peninsula, West Sussex .
The report highlighted a number of gaps in knowledge and some confusion within local communities about aspects of coastal management. The report makes recommendations for communications strategies and in relation to ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management).
Analysis of the data appeared to show that a historic lack of consistency in the communication of coastal issues and risk led to a degree of confusion in the local population, and that a co-ordinated strategy or framework to communicate coastal issues was needed to enhance coastal literacy in the area.
Coastal Literacy Conceptual Framework:
The aim of the Coastal Literacy Conceptual Framework was to provide the basis for a balanced education and debate about the coast, by improving knowledge and understanding of the coast.
Click the title to download the final Coastal Literacy Conceptual Framework Report.