Manhood Peninsula Partnership > Projects > GLaM > Restoring the Record and the Definitive Map > Manhood Peninsula Definitive Map « you are here

Manhood Peninsula Definitive Map

Manhood Peninsula Definitive Map

A number of routes on the Manhood have been re-discovered and are not currently on the Definitive Map. In order to progress with righting any ‘lost’ PRoW, Sustrans need to demonstrate evidence to support their existence, and confirm that the routes are not currently on the Definitive Map.

The following links are to the Definitive Statement and Definitive Maps for the Manhood Peninsula:

Definitive Statement Part 1

Reference Map

SU 70 NE

SU 80 SE

SU 80 SW

SZ 79 NE

SZ 89 NW

SZ 89 SE

SZ 89 SW