Our Partnership
The Manhood Peninsula Partnership is a resident-inspired partnership of local communities, local and national government agencies, and other bodies involved in the Manhood. During the past decade the MPP has helped create a wider understanding of the issues facing the area and has forged a new way of working together for the benefit of the peninsula and its people. The Manhood population is proud of its environment and communities and by working more closely with local and national agencies it hopes to ensure a future that will be both sustainable and positive. The members of the partnership, meeting 3-4 times a year, have initiated local projects, been part of international and national projects and supported local initiatives ranging from cycle paths to improved drainage. Most of all, the MPP has put the Manhood on the map and made its residents – and the local authorities that serve it – realise that this is a special place with unique qualities.
More information regarding the Manhood Peninsula Partnership can be found by following this link.
The Manhood Peninsula Partnership was formed in 2001 following concerns raised among local residents about the need for greater co-ordination between the bodies and organisations responsible for the management of the Peninsula and their ability to work with local people to address present and future environmental, social and economic challenges. The MPP was formed in July 2001 as a direct... Continue Reading »
Our Aims and Membership
The aims of the MPP are: to ensure the sustainable development of the peninsula for the benefit of future generations and to consider long-term issues, including climate change. to improve and promote inter-sectoral integration, co-ordination, communication and understanding between those involved in the Manhood Peninsula. to provide opportunities for wider community participation and interaction. to adopt a proactive approach... Continue Reading »
If you would like to contact us, please use the email address below. Email: jcunningham@chichester.gov.uk MPP Project Officer Environmental Strategy Unit Health Protection and Environmental Management Chichester District Council East Pallant House 1 East Pallant Chichester West Sussex, PO19 1 TY Continue Reading »