ICZM 2021 - Climate Resilience and Adaptation
Climate Resilience and Adaptation – ICZM 2021 has been written to provide parishes, communities and environmental groups on the Manhood Peninsula with information and practical ideas about climate change issues affecting the peninsula. The document is intended to accompany Towards ICZM on the Manhood Peninsula, produced during the Coastal Change Pathfinder Project in 2011.
Climate Resilience and Adaptation aims to:
- Highlight the issues that communities face in order to adapt and become more resilient to climate change
- Promote building on sites at lowest risk from flooding now, and those that will remain at low risk in future, or in a water compatible way.
- Promote development which is resilient to sea level rise and coastal change
- Ensure consideration is made for the appropriate life time of a development, taking into account coastal erosion, flooding, and whether/when homeowners may be willing to abandon property – 100 years or 300?
- Demonstrate the need to update existing long term Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plans and policies for the coastal plain, including Towards ICZM on the Manhood Peninsula produced during the Coastal Change Pathfinder Project in 2011.
- Promote development that strengthens the area’s economic, environmental and social resilience to climate change
- Promote development that strengthens the area’s sense of place derived from tourism and food production, the major economic sectors on the peninsula.
- Ensure natural capital and nature based solutions are considered in relation to climate change resilience, mitigation and adaptation.
Please follow this link to download the Climate Change Resilience & Adaptation document