Early on in its life, the MPP became part of a European funded project – European Spatial Planning: Adapting to Climate Events (ESPACE). The project aimed to ensure that adaptation to climate change is recognised and to recommend that it is incorporated within spatial planning mechanisms at local, regional, national and European levels.
On a local level this project helped to:
- raise awareness of climate change in the community
- allow residents to understand some of the pressures facing local authorities
- encourage dialogue and cohesion between the numerous agencies and stakeholders in the area
- enable a joint response to strategic issues
- fund small scale community projects
- secure a study of land drainage - see link below
Follow this link to the 2006 Haskoning report: Manhood Peninsula - Land Drainage Study Phase 3
A plan for adapting to climate change on the Manhood Peninsula was produced during the project. Follow this link to download the ESPACE Adaptation Action Plan