ICZM 2011 - Coastal Change Pathfinder
In late 2009 the Government awarded £11 million in grants to local authorities who demonstrated the best and most innovative ideas for dealing with and adapting to coastal change. To its delight, Chichester District Council was awarded £450,000 and and became part of the Coastal Change Pathfinder Project. The project began properly in May 2010 and continued until the end of June 2011.
A total of 15 local authorities were successful, each of whom developed their own schemes for working with communities that face the threat of coastal erosion.
See Defra's website for further information about the Coastal Change Pathfinder Projects.
The terms of the grant stated that it could not be used for the direct funding of sea defences. Instead the scheme was about working with local communities, and helping them adapt to coastal erosion. It was about recognising that the shape of our coastline is not fixed; but is subject to constant change which will only increase as our climate changes.
The Manhood Peninsula Partnership, the independent national charity CoastNet and the Manhood Peninsula Steering Group worked with Chichester District Council to deliver the different elements of the project. These were:
- An Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan for the Peninsula which has been adopted as a material planning consideration by the Local Planning Authority
- A forward thinking Destination Management Plan agreed by business and wildlife /ecological organisations aiming to protect the environment by using it as an economic asset.
- A well subscribed small grants fund to support community projects that raise awareness of the changing coastline.
- Funding to investigate the formation of a community owned coastal trust for Selsey, including comprehensive feasibility studies, with a view to this trust potentially overseeing a series of coastal regeneration projects, owned by the community.
- Improving access and enjoyment of the coast by replacing the Access Ramp at East Beach in Selsey.
- A “Coastal Literacy” Programme led by the independent national charity CoastNet, to produce information materials equipping local people with the knowledge and understanding needed to participate in adaptation decision making.
The Manhood Peninsula Partnership oversaw delivery of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management proposal, the Destination Management Study and the Small Grants Fund.
The Pre-Trust Group worked to investigate the feasibility of a community owned Coastal Trust for Selsey, and of re-instating beach access ramps lost to coastal change.
Details can be found in the following sections of the website: Coastal Change Grant Fund; Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM); Destination Management Study; Selsey Pre Trust Group; Beach Access Ramps; Coastal Literacy. More information about the Chichester Coastal Change Pathfinder Project and the history behind it can be found using the following links:
'Local Governement & The Regions' 16 - Ebbing Away From Jargon
'Alarm' article - Embracing Climate Change
'WEM' article - Going It Alone: Bunn Leisure coast protection scheme
For more information concerning coastal matters and legislation explore the Environment Links section of the website.
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
The intial step in exploring ICZM within the Coastal Change Pathfinder Project involved developing a working partnership between residents, employers, coastal users and local government. The objective was to achieve sustainability in the face of climate change and consequent coastal change. The following approaches were pursued: · Establishment of an ICZM group comprised of MPP members, local businesses, marine user... Continue Reading »
Destination Management Study
The Destination Management Study was comprised of the Destination Management Plan and supporting publications investigating tourism on the Manhood Peninsula. Please use the link below to read or download the Plan: Destination Management Plan Supporting publications: the following documents about tourist activity on the Manhood Peninsula can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate title: Revised 2009 Manhood Peninsula Tourist Economic... Continue Reading »
Coastal Change Grants Fund
The Coastal Change Grants Fund was a new grant fund made available by the Manhood Peninsula Partnership to residents and groups across the Manhood Peninsula in order to help them to address specific local issues and/or support local schemes and initiatives relating to the coast. Click HERE to discover the range of projects that received funding. The scheme funded applications for one-off... Continue Reading »
Selsey Pre Trust Group
The Selsey Pre Trust Group comprises members of the Manhood Peninsula Steering Group (MPSG), Town and District Councillors representing Selsey. It is estimated that over the next 20 years the cost of Selsey’s coastal defences will be in the region of £30 million. All levels of Government are under tremendous financial pressure, so even funding for preventative maintenance is... Continue Reading »
Selsey Boat Ramps
The construction contract to replace the public slipway at East Beach, Selsey was awarded to JT Mackley. Work began on September 12th 2011 and the ramp was completed approximately nine weeks later, a schedule that successfully avoided disruption over the busy summer months. Following further local consultation the decision was made not to progress with the reinstatement of the ramp for commercial fishermen. See the following... Continue Reading »
Coastal Literacy
There is a growing understanding that stakeholder engagement is necessary for good decision making in all areas of governance. This is particularly true of coastal management and climate change adaptation. Government and its agencies are responding with new guidance for engagement, but there still appears to be a fundamental gap of understanding that will not be solved by ad... Continue Reading »