Our Aims and Membership
The aims of the MPP are:
- to ensure the sustainable development of the peninsula for the benefit of future generations and to consider long-term issues, including climate change.
- to improve and promote inter-sectoral integration, co-ordination, communication and understanding between those involved in the Manhood Peninsula.
- to provide opportunities for wider community participation and interaction.
- to adopt a proactive approach to addressing the effects of climate change.
- the development and implementation, or assistance with the implementation, of guidelines, strategies and action plans.
- the exploration and research of different options and the need to learn from other areas.
The following organisations are members of the MPP:
- Chichester District Council (including MPP Secretariat)
- Chichester Harbour Conservancy
- Environment Agency
- Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group
- Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
- National Trust
- Natural England
- Parish Councils on the Manhood Peninsula
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
- Selsey Town Council
- Sussex Association of Local Councils
- Sustrans volunteers
- West Sussex County Council
- Wittering Estate
The Manhood Peninsula Partnership has produced the following Terms of Reference, Key Statements and other documents that aim to influence all those who can act to improve the economic and environmental prosperity for the communities of the Manhood Peninsula:
- MPP Terms of Reference
- Key Statement on The Economy of the Manhood Peninsula
- Key Statement on Green Links across the Manhood Peninsula (GLaM) and GLaM map
- Key Statement on Surface Water Management across the Manhood Peninsula
- Towards ICZM on the Manhood Peninsula
- Climate Resilience & Adaptation
The Manhood Peninsula Partnership was formed in 2001 following concerns raised among local residents about the need for greater co-ordination between the bodies and organisations responsible for the management of the Peninsula and their ability to work with local people to address present and future environmental, social and economic challenges. The MPP was formed in July 2001 as a direct... Read More»
Sustainability is just one word and yet there are over 300 definitions. In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development produced the best known definition of sustainability – “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The findings from this report became known as the Brundtland Report, also known... Read More»
The Manhood Peninsula Partnership was formed in recognition of the challenges the peninsula faces as a result of climate change and the increasing demands on its environment. By recognising the different issues the area faces, its assets and possibilities, and by valuing its distinct and almost unique character on the south coast, the MPP hopes to create opportunities and... Read More»