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Flood Risk Links

Flood Risk Links


Flood Risk

Defra - flooding and coastal change

Environment Agency's Flood Risk pages

FCRM contributions_EA Policy 284_09 - 2009

Flood and Water Management Act 2010

Flood Risk Management Research Consortium

Flood Warnings Direct

Pitt Review

The Environment Agency have produced two leaflets about watercourse maintenance and the prevention of flooding: Living On The Edge and Watercourse Maintenance.

The Environment Agency suggest that for more advice, information and services that will help you protect yourself and your property from the effects of flooding you can contact the following organisations:

Flood products and services - National Flood Forum. Phone 01299 403055

Flood products and services - Flood Protection Association. Phone: 033 33 23 87 01

Information about flood protection measures - CIRIA. Phone 020 7549 3300

Weather information - Met Office. Phone 0870 900 0100