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Category: "news"

Ecological Seas Network

Ecological Seas Network

A new online interactive map showing the ecological network for our seas has been developed, allowing you to contribute your own knowledge to help our understanding of the seas. Information contributed in this way will help develop the national Marine Conservation Zones Project, whose aim is to provide an insight into how the... read more »



Move over sky-scrapers, now we have water-scrapers. Power is generated in this self contained underwater city using wave, wind and solar power. The city also produces its own food using farming, aquaculture and hydroponic techniques. So what keeps the water-scraper upright? It uses a system of ballasts that are aided by... read more »

Flood & Water Management Act 2010

Flood & Water Management Act 2010

The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 received Royal Assent on the 08 April 2010. The main benefits of the act are as follows: Better protection for homes, communities and businesses from the risk of extreme weather as a result of climate change, such as heavier rain and increased risk... read more »

Action Plans & Strategies

Action Plans & Strategies

A new action plan has been launched about international climate change, Beyond Copenhagen: The UK Government's International UK Action Plan, which shows what must be done to build on the progress made at Copenhagen. The plan sets out the Government’s belief that the low carbon transformation can be... read more »

Policy Statements - Climate Change

Policy Statements - Climate Change

The government has launched consultations for new Planning Policy Statements (PPS) on climate change and the natural environment along with new policy guidance on coastal change. The proposed climate change planning policy includes requirements to reduce the need for people to travel between where they live and work. The installation... read more »

Saltire Prize

Saltire Prize

The Saltire Prize, a £10 million challenge to encourage the international commercial development of marine energy, was formally opened today by the Scottish Government. The prize will go to a commercially viable wave or tidal energy technology that generates at least 100GW of electricity over two years using only the power... read more »

Local IFCAs

Local IFCAs

Following the passage of the Marine and Coastal Access Act, ten Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) are being established round the English coast, one of which will include Sussex. Members are now being recruited to join these committees. The IFCAs will replace the existing Sea Fisheries Committees from April 2011. The intention is to promote a... read more »

UK Marine Science Strategy

UK Marine Science Strategy

The UK Marine Science Strategy was launched on 3rd February 2010. The Strategy sets out a framework for shaping, supporting, co-ordinating and enabling the delivery of world class marine science for the UK. It is the first UK Marine Science Strategy to be produced, and its development was a key... read more »

Flood and Water Management Bill

Flood and Water Management Bill

The Flood and Water Management Bill will provide better, more comprehensive management of flood risk for people, homes and businesses.  The intention is to improve water resources management by combining recommendations from the Pitt Review  of lessons learned from the 2007 floods, and previous policies. The Bill was... read more »

North Solent Shoreline Management Plan Consultation

North Solent Shoreline Management Plan Consultation

The Draft North Solent Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) public consultation aims to encourage greater public knowledge of the coastal issues facing the Solent over the next 100 years whilst providing stakeholders and the general public with the opportunity to comment on the draft SMP policies. Comments and responses received... read more »