Category: "news"

Localism Act 2011
The Government’s plans to give local communities more say about planning and development passed into law when the Localism Act received Royal Assent on 15th November 2011. The Localism Act represents the first stage of the Government’s sweeping reforms to the planning regime in England and Wales. The Act introduces a... read more »

Ten International Climate Science facts
Climate change is happening to all of us – and because of us. Here are 10 facts you should know: 1. The first decade of this century was the warmest decade on the instrumental record. Visit the met office website for details 2. In the past 100 years the Earth has... read more »

Energy and Efficiency
The Energy Act has become law setting in stone the legal framework for the Green Deal, which will be launched in Autumn next year. The Green Deal will revolutionise the energy efficiency of the nation’s homes and businesses. It will help people insulate against rising energy prices, creating homes which... read more »

Localism Bill
The Localism Bill is working its way through Parliament, and has now reached the Report stage in the House of Lords. The Bill will devolve greater powers to councils and neighbourhoods and give local communities more control over housing and planning decisions. A Summary of the Bill and its progress can... read more »

Communities chosen to try out new planning powers
A second group of communities is being given the opportunity to explore new powers to test out neighbourhood planning. This radical idea is being introduced in the Localism Bill, and is intended to give people the chance to decide how development will look in their area. Communities will have the final say in shaping the vision... read more »

How Vulnerable are our Wetlands?
The east and west coasts of the Manhood Peninsula are home to vast numbers of resident and migrating birds who benefit from the fact that Chichester and Pagham harbours hold the status of Ramsar sites, as well as many other environmental designations. Ramsar has recently published a new Framework for Assessing... read more »

Planning for People and Places
The department of Communities and local Governement published the draft National Planning Policy Framework on 25th July 2011 for consultation. This is a key part of their reforms to make the planning system less complex and more accessible, and to promote sustainable growth. They are keen to hear views from all interested... read more »

UK National Ecosystem Assessment
The hidden value of the natural environment has been shown for the first time in a new independent report revealing that nature is worth billions of pounds to the UK economy. The report, UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA), has used new approaches to estimate the value of the... read more »

North Solent SMP
Final approval has now been given to the North Solent Shoreline Management Plan by the Environment Agency . This is the final piece of documentation needed to conclude the SMP process, and is further to recent approval by Defra stating that the plan met imperative reasons of overriding public interest. Along... read more »
New Director at Chichester Harbour
Keen sailor, Siun Cranny, has been appointed to head Chichester Harbour Conservancy. Siun, will take on this newly created role to lead the well established team at the Harbour Office. Following the untimely death of Manager and Harbour Master, John Davis, last August... read more »