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Miyawaki-style tree planting

Miyawaki-style tree planting

A new Miyawaki-style tree plot has been planted in Chichester's Florence Park, as part of a trial to test the success of different planting methods across the Chichester District.

The Miyawaki planting method was originally developed in Japan in the 1970s and typically involves high density planting in specially prepared soil. Although almost unknown in the UK a few years ago, this planting method has proven to be a great way to establish young trees in areas where conditions aren't ideal for planting — for example, in poor soil.

Follow this link to read more about the Miyawaki - style tree planting project

1950's Selsey sea defences

1950's Selsey sea defences

Sea defences have been required in the Manhood Peninsula for many years. A great deal of work was needed following a particularly bad storm in December 1951 which wrecked houses along the Selsey sea front, and led to their subsequent demolition. Following is a gallery of images courtesy of Royal Haskoning, the Coastal Engineering Consultant for Chichester District, showing the coastline and sea defences evolve... Read More»

Marl Pits

Marl Pits

The Manhood Peninsula was a source of marl until the late 18th century, and marl found in Selsey was considered some of the best available. Marl has been defined as a pit from which marl, a mixture of clay and carbonate of lime, is excavated. Marl was commonly used as a fertilizer and marl pits were at one time... Read More»

Nature and Conservation

Nature and Conservation

The peninsula contains several internationally important nature conservation areas (see wildlife page). Extensive consultation took place to examine how the environmental character of the Manhood could be enhanced by the Medmerry managed realignment scheme and how it could benefit the local population, through sensitive management of habitat and tourism. The scheme has been successfully completed and is now managed... Read More»