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Help Our Kelp

Help Our Kelp

Kelp provides a range of benefits including: the capture of carbon dioxide and the production of oxygen, the support of biodiversity, the support of commercial and non-commercial marine species, cultural heritage and as a harvestable resource. Research indicates that macroalgae are an ecosystem component critical to the delivery of a broad range of ecosystem services, meaning this habitat should be given special attention when considering management.

Historically, kelp was abundant along the West Sussex coastline. But this important habitat has diminished over time, leaving just a few small patches and individual plants, mostly in shallow water and along the shoreline. The Help Our Kelp partnership (Sussex IFCA, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Blue Marine Foundation, Portsmouth University, Big Wave Productions, Marine Conservation Society) want to bring it back through a marine kelp rewilding initiative by Sussex IFCA.

Follow this link to see a short film, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, talking about the value of Sussex kelp forests called Help Our Kelp.

Read more about Sussex IFCA's rewilding project on their website

Read more about Help Our Kelp on the Sussex Wildlife Trust website



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