
Eco Technology Show 2013
The Eco Technology Show took place this year at the Brighton Centre on 14th - 15th June. All sorts of new eco ideas ranging from buildings to concept cars were showcased. Follow this link to find out more about Read More...

Ecological Seas Network
A new online interactive map showing the ecological network for our seas has been developed, allowing you to contribute your own knowledge to help our understanding of the seas. Information contributed in this way will help develop the national Marine Conservation Zones... Read More...

Energy and Efficiency
The Energy Act has become law setting in stone the legal framework for the Green Deal, which will be launched in Autumn next year. The Green Deal will revolutionise the energy efficiency of the nation’s homes and businesses. It will... Read More...

England's Smaller Seaside Towns
A benchmarking report about England’s smaller seaside towns was published in 2010. The report presents a range of statistical evidence on socio-economic conditions and compares the figures from small seaside towns with regional and English averages and with the... Read More...

Environment & Wildlife Statistics
The annual summary of environmental statistics has been published by Defra. This covers a range of summary statistics on the environment in the United Kingdom. The aim is to provide information that can be used by members of the... Read More...

Fish is the Dish
The Fish is the Dish initiative by Seafish was designed as a hard-working digital campaign to show consumers why they should eat more seafood, more often. The platform ( offers a wide variety... Read More...

Floating Not Flooding
Planning permission was granted in February 2012 for a property described by its architect as the UK’s first ‘amphibious’ house. According to Baca Architects, the firm behind the plans, an amphibious house is a building that “rests on the... Read More...

Flood & Erosion Risk
The Environment Agency has been working with Defra to develop a strategy for flood and coastal erosion risk management in England. The strategy is required under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and will describe what needs to... Read More...

Flood & Water Management Act 2010
The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 received Royal Assent on the 08 April 2010. The main benefits of the act are as follows: Better protection for homes, communities and businesses from the risk of extreme weather as a result... Read More...

Flood and Coastal Erosion consultation
The Environment Agency has been working with Defra to develop a strategy for flood and coastal erosion risk management in England. The strategy is required under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and will describe what needs to... Read More...

Flood and Water Management Bill
The Flood and Water Management Bill will provide better, more comprehensive management of flood risk for people, homes and businesses. The intention is to improve water resources management by combining recommendations from the Pitt Review of lessons... Read More...

For information about flooding and other emergencies see Chichester District Council's website: Flooding Sandbags For more information about flooding, including road closures, see the West Sussex County Council website: Flooding Flooding and road closuresRead More...

Food and Climate Change
Defra Science has just issued the Autumn 2010 edition of 'Elements', its online science magazine. This edition is looking at the effect climate change may have food production, and how we can ensure a sustainable food supply in the face of potential change. Professor Bob Watson, Defra's Chief... Read More...

Giant Clams and Biofuel
Giant clams open up the potential of improved biofuel production Penn researchers are collaborating to study how giant clams convert sunlight into energy(Credit: Malcolm Browne) Algae-based biofuels... Read More...

Good Beach Guide 2012
The silver anniversary edition of the Good Beach Guide, launched online by the Marine Conservation Society, has recommended 516 out of 754 (68%) UK bathing beaches tested last summer as having excellent water quality; this is a rise of... Read More...

Green Investment Bank
The first Green Investment Bank is now a little closer to becoming a reality now that Business Secretary Vince Cable has published the criteria for deciding where the Bank will be based and what the Bank’s first priorities will... Read More...