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UK National Water Quality Instrumentation Service

UK National Water Quality Instrumentation Service

The Environment Agency's National Water Quality Instrumentation Service  are being so helpful with CHASM's water quality monitoring at West Pole and within Chichester Harbour by making sure it is as efficient and effective as possible. Set up in 2011,... Read More...

UK seafood topping world's menus

UK seafood topping world's menus

Luxury seafood caught off UK shores is now making it onto menus across a record 76 countries helping bring over £650 million to our economy in 2014, Fisheries Minister George Eustice announced recently. So if you’re dining out on smoked... Read More...

UK's Exceptional Weather

UK's Exceptional Weather

As the stormy weather continues, the National Climate Information Centre at the Met Office has looked at the historical records in an attempt to put the last 2 months into context. The Met Office News Blog has some interesting facts and figures... Read More...

Warmer by Degrees

Warmer by Degrees

What might the earth look like after warming by a few degrees? A range of scenarios can be found on the 4 Degrees Selsius Google Earth layer developed by the UK government in the Science section of the Foreign &... Read More...

Wasteland Warship

Wasteland Warship

Surfers Against Sewage has launched its latest campaign against marine plastic called 'Wasteland' and has created a 30-ft warship made out of ocean plastic from around the UK's coastline to illustrate its point. It is made out of five... Read More...

Water Situation Report South East

Water Situation Report South East

The Environment Agency routinely measure, monitor and report on a range of hydrological parameters to assess the water situation across England, including the Solent and Arun areas. They do this using their own hydrometric data, together with data provided... Read More...



Move over sky-scrapers, now we have water-scrapers. Power is generated in this self contained underwater city using wave, wind and solar power. The city also produces its own food using farming, aquaculture and hydroponic techniques. So what keeps the water-scraper upright?... Read More...

World Wetlands

World Wetlands

By the time most people read this World Wetlands Day 2022 will have been and gone. However this doesn't mean we should now put wetlands on a shelf to be looked at later. On the contrary, wetlands have... Read More...