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Category: "news"

Giant Clams and Biofuel

Giant Clams and Biofuel

  Giant clams open up the potential of improved biofuel production   Penn researchers are collaborating to study how giant clams convert sunlight into energy(Credit: Malcolm Browne) Algae-based biofuels hold the promise of a green, sustainable energy supply and... read more »

Bonfire Night 2017

Bonfire Night 2017

The skies of Sussex are sure to be lit up on the Bonfire Night 2017. This year bonfire night is on Sunday 5th November, but events are taking place throughout the week across West Sussex. What is Bonfire Night and who is Guy Fawkes? The event originates from the failed Gunpowder... read more »

Wasteland Warship

Wasteland Warship

Surfers Against Sewage has launched its latest campaign against marine plastic called 'Wasteland' and has created a 30-ft warship made out of ocean plastic from around the UK's coastline to illustrate its point. It is made out of five tonnes of plastic waste collected from around the UK. The aim... read more »

Ocean Plastic

Ocean Plastic

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, together with The Prince of Wales’s International Sustainability Unit, have today announced the launch of the $2 million New Plastics Economy Innovation Prize. The Prize which is funded by Wendy Schmidt as Lead Philanthropic Partner of the New Plastics Economy Initiative, calls for innovators, designers, scientist... read more »

Reef to protect endangered UK crayfish

Reef to protect endangered UK crayfish

Torbay-based ARC Marine is building the world’s first modular artificial reef at Vobster Quay, an inland water site and former quarry, near Radstock, Somerset in order to help save the UK’s endangered white-clawed freshwater crayfish. The company is seeking crowd funding for the project and asking the public to... read more »

Brexit blueprint for sustainable seas

Brexit blueprint for sustainable seas

ABPmer have written a paper to explore the issues for the marine environment following Brexit, and stimulate debate about Brexit opportunities. The views expressed are solely those of the author, but is interesting to consider the possibilities as well as the downsides of how the coast and marine environment could be... read more »

Coastal Flood Forecasting

Coastal Flood Forecasting

The Environment Agency has published a new document entitled 'Coastal flood forecasting: a good practice framework '. The report sets out a good practice framework for the development of future coastal flood forecasting systems. It examines the components that typically make up a coastal flood forecasting system, such as... read more »

Positive growth for seafood in 2016

Positive growth for seafood in 2016

Throughout the austerity period seafood has struggled to compete with other proteins, partly due to its high average price. However, last year as the UK slowly but steadily continued to move out of austerity, seafood started to recover with foodservice sales back in full growth by December 2015 and... read more »

National Flood Resilience Review

National Flood Resilience Review

Following the devastating effects of record rainfall and extreme flood events last winter, the government has issued a national flood resilience review to assess how the country can be better protected from future flooding and extreme weather events. The stress testing of their modelling and flood risk maps carried out as part... read more »

Creating Coastal Powerhouses

Creating Coastal Powerhouses

The British Hospitality Association (BHA) has asked the government to deliver a comprehensive strategy to attract the investment which our coastal communities need to reach their full economic and social potential. The BHA calls for a Seaside Tsar to be appointed to help Britain’s forgotten seaside towns fight back from decades of decay according to new... read more »