Category: "in-your-area"
Sussex Biodiversity Partnership
Community Wildlife Action. Do you dig, cut or build for wildlife? If you are involved with a community group that is working to improve the natural environment in your patch, Sussex Biodiversity Partnership would love to hear from you. read more »
Sea Defence Work at Medmerry Beach
Bulldozers have once again moved onto Medmerry beach to provide continued sea defence to the Medmerry bank this winter. The bulldozers will reshape over 15,000 tonnes of shingle, protecting local infrastructure such as local caravan parks, the B2145 and the local water treatment works. Operations began in October 2010 and will... read more »
Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group
One aim of the MWHG is to encourage people to value their local environment, to put them back in touch with the wealth of wildlife around them and thus stimulate them to care for species and habitats by involving the local community. Several sites in the town of Selsey are... read more »
Beachwatch 2010
Saturday 18th September 11:30 – 13:30. Meet at East Beach Car Park, Selsey. BBQ at 13:00. The Beachwatch litter survey and clean-up is a National Event that has taken place on the third weekend of September every year since 1993. Thousands of volunteers from around the UK spend a... read more »
Top Tips from the Countryside Code
Natural England are promoting their top tips from the Countryside Code. The aim is to help people get more enjoyment from the countryside using the Countryside Code for guidance. We are asked to please respect the working life of the countryside, as our actions can affect people's livelihoods, our heritage, and the... read more »
Power for the People
Climate Change Minister Greg Barker has launched the first stage of the Government’s plans to help communities become more self-sufficient in the way they use heat and power. The vision for local energy economies involves empower communities to generate their own electricity on large and small scales, thus reducing fuel bills and... read more »
South East Fish Campaign
The South East Food Group are currently piloting 'tags' on pot-caught lobsters and line-caught sea bass with a small selection of fishing boats along the south coast at Selsey, Isle of Wight, Newhaven, Rye and Gosport. The South East Seafood tagging scheme is fully operating for Sea Bass, and the end of June... read more »
Sussex Biodiversity Partnership
Sussex Biodiversity Partnership contains representatives from a range of organisations including conservation bodies, statutory agencies and local government. The aim of the Sussex Biodiversity Partnership is to conserve and enhance the biological diversity of Sussex, contributing to international biodiversity objectives and enhancing quality of life in the county. Sussex has... read more »
Manhood Ecological Network
The Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group (MWHG) is starting to work on a joint project to map and record key wildlife species and their habitats, and to develop a network of well connected wildlife-friendly sites across the parishes of the Manhood Peninsula. In the light of changes in our climate,... read more »
International Year of Biodiversity
2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity and the year when the current global target for biodiversity set in 2002 expires. In mid-january, representatives from over 50 countries met in London to discuss the curent state of biodiversity. To highlight the importance and vulnerability of UK plants... read more »