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Shifting Shores

Shifting Shores
Photo copyright Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Almost a decade ago the National Trust investigated how our coastline was likely to change over the next 100 years. Out of this research came the Shifting Shores report in 2005, which held one clear message — as a nation we can no longer build our way out of trouble on the coast.

Fast-forward to this past winter and a succession of violent storms and extreme tides saw the erosion and flooding we thought could happen over the next 5 to 15 years occurring overnight. Increasingly, ‘defence’ as the only response now looks implausible. Instead we must adapt and take the longer view.

The National Trust has revisited their coastal adaptation report in the light of the winter storms. Follow this link to read Shifting Shores – Adapting To Change

Coastal Management

Coastal Management

A large part of the Manhood Peninsula is less than 5m above sea level and at risk from flooding, both inland and coastal. It is likely that climate change will increase this risk, through rising sea levels, rising water tables and increased precipitation intensity. Drainage is an increasing problem on the peninsula as the existing ditches are proving inadequate... Read More»

Selsey Coastal Trust

Selsey Coastal Trust

Selsey Coastal Trust is a working project, which is looking at how Selsey’s community can shape the long-term future of the town. During the initial phases of the project (Dec 2009 –April 2011), members of the Trust were able to test the feasibility of their ideas as part of the DEFRA funded Chichester Coastal Change Pathfinder project, hosted by Chichester... Read More»

1950's Selsey sea defences

1950's Selsey sea defences

Sea defences have been required in the Manhood Peninsula for many years. A great deal of work was needed following a particularly bad storm in December 1951 which wrecked houses along the Selsey sea front, and led to their subsequent demolition. Following is a gallery of images courtesy of Royal Haskoning, the Coastal Engineering Consultant for Chichester District, showing the coastline and sea defences evolve... Read More»