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Blue Growth

Blue Growth
Photo copyright Sarah Hughes

Blue Growth is the long term European strategy to support sustainable growth in the coastal and maritime sectors as a whole. Seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy and have great potential for innovation and growth. It is the maritime contribution to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The EU Commission adopted a communication on A European Strategy for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and Maritime Tourism on 20 February 2014, presenting a new strategy to enhance coastal and maritime tourism in Europe in order to unlock the potential of this promising sector.

This is particularly significant for the Manhood Peninsula where coastal tourism and fishing, two sectors identified in the EU strategy as having great potential for sustainable jobs and growth, are two important elements of the local economy.

Follow this link to read more about the EU strategy Blue Growth  

Follow this link to read more about how the EU strategy views Coastal & Maritime Tourism

Follow this link to download the EU brochure on Coastal & Maritime Tourism

Follow this link to download the official European Strategy for more growth and Jobs in Coastal and Maritime Tourism



Maritime History

Maritime History

For most of its history, Sussex has been an agricultural county. The Chichester area, with the fertile coastal plain for arable and the Downs for sheep and cattle grazing, has long been one of the richest in agricultural terms. Just as the medieval sea trades were based on wool, Chichester Harbour’s sea trade from the 17th to the early... Read More»

Circular Cycle Routes

Circular Cycle Routes

A leaflet has been created by the Selsey Cycle Network, which details the circular cycle routes that go around the Manhood Peninsula. The cycle routes are mainly on minor or traffic free roads and provide access to Chichester and Pagham harbours. They will also take you round the edge of the new nature reserve created as part of the... Read More»

Recreation and Tourism

Recreation and Tourism

The natural landscape of the Manhood offers many possibilities for recreation and tourism. With its relatively undeveloped coastline and semi-rural hinterland it is a popular recreational destination within easy reach of several major conurbations including London. There is natural contrast to the more urbanised seaside resorts on the south coast, such as Brighton and Bognor Regis, giving it a unique status.... Read More»